You are a construction company

Whether you are operating on site as a contractor or sub-contractor, you have a legal obligation to find out about the location of the existing networks and complete the works declaration formalities.

Making a declaration on the One-Call System

Forms and information are available on the networks and pipelines One-Call System website.

Stages to your declaration: 

  • Indicate the area of the future worksite on the networks Singe Service Point website,
  • Read the list of network operators affected by the project that you have indicated on the networks and pipelines One-Call System website,
  • Fill out the necessary Declaration of Proposed Works (DT) or Declaration of Intent to Carry out Works (DICT) forms and send them to each network operator affected by your works, including the land take plan and its geo-referenced coordinates,
  • If you are also the project manager, you can make a joint DT-DICT declaration,
  • Send the forms by post or email to the address provided on the form.

NaTran response times

Like all other network operators, NaTran has 7 days (9 days in the case of a hard copy DICT), to respond to your DICT.
NaTran’s response to a DICT includes confirmation that there is a gas facility near to the planned work area, its technical recommendations and requirements, as well as confirmation of an on-site meeting. During this meeting, NaTran marks out its networks and informs the works contact person of directives that they must comply with.

Response deadlines are 9 days for DTs (15 days if in hard copy) - 7 days for DICTs (9 days if in hard copy).

Emergency works

If you have to carry out emergency works, which are justified for reasons of security, safeguarding people and property, continuity of a public service or force majeure, you should consult the networks and pipelines One-Call System website to contact the operators of sensitive networks before taking action.

If there is a NaTran facility near to your worksite, you must wait for authorisation from the NaTran representative before starting work.

Points to remember

The procedure for emergency works is applicable in the limited cases set out in Article R. 554-32 of the French Environmental Code, namely emergencies justified for reasons of safety (e.g. repairs to large holes in the road); emergencies linked to safeguarding people and property (e.g. broken power lines); emergencies linked to the continuity of a public service (e.g. a broken fibre optic cable); emergencies due to a case of force majeure (e.g. repairs following a storm, a landslide or an earthquake).

Declaring is protecting - French version

Carry out a safe earthwork