Join one of NaTran's professional categories
NaTran’s jobs are organised into categories. In recent years, these have undergone significant digitalisation and they include a wide variety of profiles and roles.

There are two main tasks: i) guaranteeing the reliability and availability of NaTran’s high-pressure natural gas transmission facilities in France, and ii) guaranteeing that transport takes place under optimal conditions in terms of safety, cost, quality, and respect for the environment.

These roles involve carrying out maintenance operations for delivery stations and high-pressure gas pipelines, with a perfect grasp of safety regulations. Working in maintenance involves developing technical expertise as part of a work team operating on the ground, in direct contact with customers and external stakeholders. It requires high levels of discipline and independence.

Network management and monitoring
This occupation combines commercial, technical and operational skills on the ground. Its tasks involve adapting the network to our customers’ expectations, dealing with emergencies, and planning for the medium- and long-term future. Its employees are lively, dynamic, passionate, and challenging.

Engineering and projects
These professions involve designing, steering and implementing gas infrastructure projects in France and internationally. It means being involved in NaTran’s innovative projects as part of the energy transition and working with safety, quality, costs and deadline targets. People working in engineering and projects require a sound knowledge of gas infrastructures and the energy sector, as well as good interpersonal skills and versatility.

Information systems department
This department's goal is to have an information system that is continually more efficient, modern and secure. Employees work in close contact with all departments and users to enable NaTran’s digital transformation. To work here also means joining a group of individuals from across the professional spectrum (technical, relational, specialist, generalist, etc.).

Research and Development
Working in NaTran’s Research and Innovation Center for Energy (RICE) involves steering R&D policy, overseeing the design and performance of R&D projects, and coming up with solutions for the gas of tomorrow. RICE works in collaboration with international research bodies. Its activities are centred around three strategic challenges: industrial safety, the energy and ecological transition, and operational excellence.

These highly rewarding roles involve identifying, selecting, refining, valuing and deploying innovative projects that may break with NaTran’s traditional activities.

Sales and marketing
Working in the Sales and Marketing department involves understanding and analysing customers’ expectations, keeping a continuous watch on the market, and developing NaTran offers that meet customer satisfaction goals. Roles combine the demands of commercial transmission and customer relations. Responsiveness, precision and being a good listener are key skills for these dynamic and varied positions.

Risk prevention and control
These double roles involve risk prevention within NaTran on the one hand, and, on the other, providing support for management with occupational health, the environment, and general safety measures.

Purchasing Supply & Logistics
These roles involve making and organising purchases, organising supplies, and providing services to meet the needs of the NaTran business lines. Other tasks include supporting and securing investment project deadlines and managing NaTran’s property portfolio and vehicle fleet, while delivering high-quality performance. Independence, analysis and negotiating skills are valued assets for these roles that have a strong interpersonal element.

Support professions
Roles in public affairs, communications, accounting, tax, management, legal, HR and strategy/regulation involve supporting NaTran and gas sector operations, making the company more efficient, clarifying the strategy, and helping NaTran to meet its targets.