You are a company or employee working on a NaTran site

Health and safety is something that involves everybody. This responsibility is borne both by the company and by the individual. Each employee must know the rules to be able to apply them optimally and prevent any risks that may arise.
Commitments in terms of health, industrial safety, IT system security and security
NaTran’s Health & Safety and industrial safety commitments are based on various tools:
- a Single Professional Risk Assessment Document (DUERP),
- an Internal Directive,
- the Golden Rules,
- the Directives Handbook (CPP) for gas employees from external companies,
- a partnership with the French Professional Organization for the Prevention of Accidents in Construction and Public Works (OPPBTP),
- the damage prevention regulation,
- etc.
>> See the NaTran Health & Safety and industrial safety commitment
Information and useful documents
The DUERP is used to identify, assess and classify risks present at NaTran. Its purpose is to define the most suitable prevention actions for technical, HR and organisational issues.
The document ranks the risks and is used to plan prevention actions aimed at reducing or eliminating professional risks.
An internal tool comprising a collection of documents grouped by topic about the prevention and control of Health & Safety risks.
The Golden Safety Rules are a common basis for controlling risks and preventing accidents.
Risk prevention for external companies carrying out work for NaTran on gas facilities (Directives Handbook (CPP) for External Gas Companies).
This booklet is for external companies working on gas facilities. It describes the safety measures needed to prevent gas risks while carrying out works.
In a general sense, it is crucial to think before acting. The mindset should be that no priority, no quest for productivity, no delivery deadline and no availability goal can justify a non-controlled physical risk. Concern for individual safety must be systematic, and collective prevention/protection measures must always take precedence over individual prevention/protection measures.
Works near to gas transmission pipes (damage prevention regulation)
Works near to gas transmission pipes require an understanding of potential risks. Beyond cutting the gas supply to municipalities or industrial customers, a damaged pipeline can have particularly serious consequences for people and property.
NaTran has expanded its existing induction and safety monitoring system to meet the safety challenges presented by works near to gas facilities.
With the introduction of its Authorisation for Works Near to the Networks (AIPR), NaTran has streamlined its requirements for companies operating on the sites that it manages. It has also developed several tools:
- The “Safety Induction” at the beginning of the operational phase for all operators or new arrivals,
- The daily “15-Minute Safety Meeting” or “Work Briefing”,
- “Check Points” as and when required.
Safety Induction
At the beginning of the operational phase for all operators or new arrivals:
- The Safety Induction is mandatory for any of the company’s workers affected by specific pipeline damage risks at the start of each project. It must be repeated at the start of each new project.
- The Safety Induction can be tailored to the type of project, the planned works and the experience of the members of the operational teams.
The main topics are:
- goals: Zero damage and justification for awareness raising,
- presentation of GRTgaz, its network and its facilities,
- details and additional information about GRTgaz’s Authorisation for Works Near to the Networks (AIPR),
- mechanically assisted earthmoving,
>> See the film of a real-life worksite: Earthmoving Project Performed Safely - risk analysis with the list of points specific to pipeline damage and the measures adopted,
- the fact that we want to avoid serious accidents at all costs,
- projects with a strong impact on operational facilities (intersections, alignment, significant distances or long timeframes).
The purpose of these topics is to educate operator companies about the GRTgaz transmission network and its associated risks.
Media for these topics have been collected and customised. They are not exhaustive and are designed to be expanded over time.
15-Minute Safety Meeting
The daily “15-Minute Safety Meeting” is an effective way to involve teams in improving risk control:
- reminder of accidents linked to the risk,
- presentation of the associated rules,
- discussions of team activities,
- thinking about potential ways to improve risk control,
- understanding messages sent by going beyond the simple transmission of information.
>> For more details, see the e-learning tool on the OPPBTP website
During a project, Check Points should lead to the questioning or observation of a discrepancy between the stipulated procedure and the operations implemented. Check Points are necessary to dispel doubts and correct discrepancies. Their use is strongly advised and can lead to accidents or incidents being avoided.
On-site risk prevention: useful links
Commitment is key
NaTran’s main concern is that there are no injuries on its worksites. The health and safety of individuals and the industrial safety of gas and electricity facilities are the most important factor in the company’s performance. Everybody has to take steps to ensure this on a daily basis.
Securing around the renovation sites of NaTran sites
In the context of renovation projects for our tertiary or industrial buildings (head offices, sites or stations) carried out by external companies, safety around the worksites is just as important as for the maintenance worksites of our pipelines. The educational animation below presents two accidents, one of which is dramatized for narrative reasons.