An anaerobic digestion project using 100% plant crops represents a new opportunity, both for the land and the people who live on it.

When Dijon Céréales, a farming cooperative with more than 3,800 members, wanted to create its anaerobic digestion unit, it did not take long to persuade 150 Châtillonnais farmers to join the project.
Laurent Druot, the Project Coordinator, and Édouard Benayas, the Development Manager, work every day towards commissioning this unit in 2023.
Presentation of Dijon Céréales
Laurent Druot, Project Coordinator, and Édouard Benayas, Development Manager
Melanie Bornot, a farmer in Buncey, is one of 150 farmers who saw this project as a great opportunity to develop their farm and their region.
Testimonial by Mélanie Bornot
Farmer in Buncey