Results of the 2021 customers satisfaction Barometer
We place the satisfaction of our customers at the heart of our concerns.
This is why we carry out a survey every year to better understand your expectations and needs in order to improve. The 2021 customer satisfaction survey took place from May to June and was conducted by an external & specialised consulting firm.
This year, the survey underwent a new look with a more modern ergonomics and updated questions in view of the evolution of your stakes (energy transition, customer orientation, information system...)
We would like to thank all of our customers that took the time to answer it. We make a 20€ donation to the "Restos du Cœur" (La Péniche du Cœur de Paris) for each survey completed. This year we have thus given a check of 4,260 euros which represents 44 dinners for the 60 people staying on the barge.

Our next customer satisfaction survey will be launched March 8th 2022 !