The energy transition is in our hands!

In addition to the commercial “We stand with renewable gas” aimed at educating people about renewable gases, GRTgaz is launching a new communication campaign on its commitment to the energy transition.
The communication campaign aims to showcase GRTgaz’s transformation as a company with a wide range of professions, while highlighting the fact that gas energy is becoming increasingly renewable and local. This ambition takes shape through the words of company employees, staged around the symbol of the hand.
The campaign falls in line with GRTgaz's core purpose: “Together, we make possible an energy future that is safe, affordable and climate neutral.” See the video of Catherine Brun, GRTgaz Secretary General, which decodes the challenges linked to this new communications approach.
Interview with Catherine Brun, GRTgaz General Secretary - video in french only -
This authentic campaign takes all its energy from the voices of the men and women working for the company. Every employee is an agent of change. Lorella, Akim, Laurent, Fatou, Sarah, Sandy, Amaury, Alicia, Grégory and Marion tell us about their commitment to their roles. Their words give us an insight into ten challenges that energise GRTgaz: decarbonisation; operating the gas transmission network; caring for the environment around project sites; the digital transformation; regional engagement with its facilities; and renewable gas or carbon-neutral technologies (anaerobic digestion, pyrogasification, hydrothermal gasification, Power to Gas, and hydrogen).
Our belief: it’s in our hands
Read the new section dedicated to the campaign, that includes all the employees’ testimonials. With their own hands and in their own words, they tell us about their jobs and share the things that excite them every day.
Access to the new section Our belief: it’s in our hands